Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's Finally Sinking In

For some months, I've felt there was something peculiar about the upcoming primaries and election. Republicans seeming to accept the fact that Hilary Clinton would be succeeding their precious leader? Gradually, bits and pieces tumbled into place like a Tetris game. Now, I'm scared shitless because I'm becoming convinced that Hilary Clinton is the Bush familia candidate for 08.
The first sign was Bill Clinton cozying up with a family that really has reason to hate him for limiting Poppy to one failed term. And the Bushes had gone after Clinton hammer and tongs. He was slick Willie who couldn't be trusted at all. Now he's a good friend.
Then Hilary, whom Republicans had been taught to hate more than Bill, announces. She's the mommy of that godawful health care plan that put a sour taste in everyone's mouth, the one that would bloat the bureaucracy and require an advanced degree to figure out just how to access care. I thought the Republicans would like their chops at the hope of a woman they hated running for the Presidency.
Now they take her matter of factly. Her positions really aren't far from theirs; you have to look to John Edwards to get sold statements of difference across the board. I think the fix is in. With the Bush familia machine behind her, Hilary becomes President for four or eight years. At that point, Jeb is ready to run, and George P is getting ready in the wings.
Welcome to dynasty, folks. The only ways out are for you to seize power and nominate someone substantial who the republicans cant stand, like John Edwards. Or let George W. seize power "as an emergency measure" and incite a revolution. Otherwise, you may be stuck with the Bush Clinton dynasty for a long, long time.


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