Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Karl Rove, speaking of Afghanistan, says that the United States would never take action in a sovereign nation unless asked to do so. Oh yeah. Right, Karl. Like the U.S. didn't do that in Iraq? I shouldn't be surprised. It's just one more demonstration of the contempt that the Bush family and its retainers have for the rest of the world, and it's particularly disturbing that it comes as the Lord of Misrule drops to 29 percent in the approval ratings and as he approaches what should be the end of his power.
The Bushies show their contempt in more ways that I'd bother to include in one post. They have absolute contempt for democracy; they show that when they say that they don't pay attention to the will of the people as expressed in polls. They have contempt for law; they show that when they effectively get Scooter Libby off the hook with a slap on the wrist. (Okay, it's a $250,000 slap on the wrist--no jail time, no probation because he didn't do jail time, but it's a hell of a lot better than anyone not a Bush family servant could expect. And do you really think he paid the fine out of his personal funds?) They demonstrate contempt for the Constitution by violating it as often as possible. They demonstrate contempt for Congress by issuing signing statements that say, in essence, "I signed your bill, but I'll be damned if I'm going to enforce it, and you can't even override a signing statement to make me." And with statements like Rove's, they indicate contempt for the people, as if they believe that the people of the world cannot see the disconnect between words and actions.
Does that matter? Just ask yourself this: What would you do if you had no respect for anything except your own power and the power of your family? We'd better hope that they have some respect for January 20, 2009.


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