Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Coulter Redefines Vile

Ann Coulter's behavior toward John and Elizabeth Edwards is absolutely repulsive. It demonstrates that is a mean-spirited, ill-bred mindless body. It is unfortunate that she is permitted to earn a living in any legal way, and yes: as a teacher, I'm offended that someone as ignorant and inconsiderate as she is can earn far more money than I do by displaying how mean-spirited, ill-bred, ignorate, and inconsiderate she is. Now I also concede that conservatives love her, but they're pretty low on the food chain, too: What they like is that she is "strong" (which really means obnoxious) and "tells it like she sees it" (which means that she's out of touch with reality and therefore says things that no one with two functional brain cells could ever agree with.) And in her latest exchange with Elizabeth Edwards, she shows how low she is.
"Why isn't John Edwards making this call?" she asks at one point. If she were a woman who had any meaningful relationship with any other human being, she would probably realize that women respond quickly and sharply when anyone attacks someone they love. You know that stuff about females defending their children? After 31 years of marriage, I can tell you that my wife is equally fierce defending anyone she loves. There have been instances when I was working on setting aside an affront and she was furious. So Ann, if you actually had any relationships, you'd know that Elizabeth probably picked up the phone while John was shrugging it off with "It's Ann Coulter; she's a bitch anyhow."
Ann Coulter doesn't seem to realize that the conservative guys who like to fantasize about her and make her rich would love to keep her barefoot and pregnant if they were married to her. (Ann Coulter bearing children--there's a scary thought!) That's the conservative idea of how marriage should be, after all. But John and Elizabeth Edwards, being liberals, do not live in the eighteenth century. As far as I can tell, they've got an egalatarian marriage, and in an egalatarian marriage, the motto could easily be "Git 'er done." If there's something that needs doing and you can do it, do it.
She claims that John Edwards has a bumper sticker that says "Ask me about my dead child." Is there anything more inhuman than that? But Ann wouldn't realize that because--guess what--she has no children, perhaps because no man would want her to bear his children. I can think of only one thing that might allow a single woman to appreciate the loss of a child: gang rape.
And she equates John and Elizabeth raising money for his campaign to her selling books. Okay, Ann. Pay attention, now, because this is going to be hard for someone of limited intelligence to follow. John and Elizabeth Edwards are raising money for a presidential campaign because they honestly believe that John espouses positions that would serve the country well. For them, his victory, for which I hope and pray, would mean significant loss of income for at least four years. It would mean having to put up with people like Ann Coulter every day as well as being scheduled 24/7. For John, who faces the possibility of losing his wife to cancer in the next few years, it could mean bearing a terrible grief in public, with the world finding fault with his behavior no matter what he did.
This is not the same as selling books--a subject that I know something about having written a book and being at work on a second. There's really no downside. You write the book; you collect the royalties. Maybe you do some interviews, but it's up to you. Maybe, if you write best-seller stuff, you go on a promotional tour, but again, it's up to you, and it's over in a few weeks. And while John and Elizabeth Edwards articulate positive policies for the country, you, Ann Coulter, are unable to do anything more significant than bad mouth them, and these days it seems that you even bad mouth your own president.
Is it Ann Coulter's right to spew her idiocy? Of course it is, although I wish that her parents had raised her better. It's also her right to endure any unpleasant consequences that arise from her venom, and I hope that they will be immediate and severe. It's her right, but it isn't right. And those of you who call yourselves conservatives and Republicans? Pay attention, because she claims to be speaking for you. I hope for the day publishers and television networks return to pulling the plug on outrageous people instead of seeing them as profit leaders. And I hope for the day when conservatives can look at Ann Coulter's views, see their own views, and be sickened.


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