Sunday, August 13, 2006

More from Fantasy Land

According to a news broadcast last night, there may have been a problem with the alleged terrorists the Brits busted last week. Apparently, none of them had passports. None of them had airline tickets or reservations. And none of them had bomb-making materials. When I went to England in '98, you had to have both a ticket and a passport in order to get on the airplane. A ticket you could buy in minutes, but the passport was a different matter. It took a couple of months unless you had a lot of cash and a lot of documentation to go through the State Department's fast track process. And if you're going to blow something up, you need bomb-making materials.
I've also heard that the liquid, paste, and gel materials used to make bombs can be pretty volatile in and of themselves. The shoe bomber played with them and set a couple of apartments on fire. Maybe the "conspirators" made their martyrdom tapes because they wanted to cover themselves while they were playing around with dangerous chemicals. Or maybe somebody got a new camcorder and wanted to play with it the way that a couple of the characters do int "The Big Chill."
The Coward in Chief and his minions are total cowards. You can see it in their insistence that even a one percent risk is too great. The problem is that they play well to soccer mommies, those suburban matrons who gave up adulthood and careers when they had children and harbor a belief that men exist to take care of them and keep them safe. They like that handsome Mr. Bush, and they think it's wonderful that he's so much more fit than the louts they're married to, and he just looks and talks like somebody who could keep their little ones safe. And Bush's Head Minion, Karl Rove, knows just how to work that.
If we need to be afraid of anything, we need to be afraid of that.


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