Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bush's Week

We've had an interesting week. Mommy's Best Boy, President Chickenshit, spoke to the NAACP convention for the first time in his regime. Normally, it's not such a big deal for presidents to address the NAACP convention; most of them do it regularly, some every year. And he continued to do nothing that might actually bring an end to the fighting between Israel and Lebanon.
The point is made in this morning's Washington Post that Chickenshit really didn't do much of a job at the NAACP convention. He talked about the things that he thought he was supposed to talk about, such as slavery, segregation, integration, and racism. Note to his speechwriters: Slavery was ended with the Thirteenth Amendment. Segregation is pretty much illegal. Racism is a disgrace, and it's still with us, but the goal of ending it is not served when white presidents appear at NAACP conventions only once every six years and offer only platitudes that speak to the audience as if they were stereotypical.
There were reports that Chickenshit's approval rating among black people is only two percent. I found myself thinking that this constituted proof that black people are smarter than white people.
But we should give Chickenshit some credit; at least he finally got around to attending an NAACP convention, but it's an election year, and he needs to go for every possible vote for his party's candidates.
The same dynamic is operating, to the great discredit of the United States, in his response to the fighting between Israel and Lebanon. Note to Chickenshit, his Cabinet, and his advisors: People are dying, mostly in Lebanon. Most of the people who are dying are not Hezbollah. They are simply Lebanese civilians. Many of them, I suspect, can remember the bloodshed and devastation that occurred in their country during the Reagan years, and many, like a Lebanese-American friend of my wife, were thrilled at the reconstruction and increasing prosperity there today. And they are heartsick that people in Lebanon are dying, just as every human being should be at the willful killing of an innocent person.
Instead of joining the civilized nations of the world in calling for a cease fire, Chickenshit waited days before even making an effort to evacuate American citizens. He has not called for a cease fire because he thinks it might give Hezbollah a chance to regroup and rearm. Earth to Mommy's Best Boy, President Chickenshit, the Coward in Chief: It would also give the Israelis time to regroup and rearm. He says through Aunt Jemima Rice that no United States troops will serve in any peace-keeping force. And meanwhile, people are dying in Lebanon. Innocent people.
Here's the problem, as Chickenshit sees it: The people in Israel are Jews. Jews are a powerful group and American Jews make political contributions and vote in Israel's interest. Because the Bible claims that God gave Israel to the Jews, Christians of the Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell stripe believe that the United States must defend Israel. Besides, somehow it fits into their notion that the Day of Judgment is coming soon--all this can be related to stuff in Revelations. And Chickenshit knows that the fanatical Christians are generous donors and voters; he sees to that by standing firmly against equal rights for homosexuals, stem cell research, and abortion. But to make sure that the religious fanatic voting bloc stays behind him, he thinks it best to avoid calling for a cease fire. Lebanese-Americans have not made themselves a powerful voting bloc. If they had, there might actually be some difficulty in Chickenshit's decision.
The world, to him, is like one of those photographs in which the number of shadings of color has been reduced from millions to a handful. Real people look like people in a well-drawn comic strip, but they don't look real.
But people are real. And people face real issues. And they expect real answers from real leaders. That is why it's so critical that a Democratic congress be elected in November and that that Congress move immediately in January to impeace George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.


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