Sunday, June 25, 2006

Stay on Script

Just a quick post. It strikes me as kind of funny that Rick Santorum (of "Santorum is Latin for asshole" fame) comes out with news this weekend that shells designed for chemical weapons had been found in Iraq. Okay. Fine. Apparently inspectors had found them before, but a shell is sort of like a pill bottle: It's just a container, and it's the stuff inside that matters. If the stuff inside is air, there's no threat. But Santorum makes a big deal of this, as if he believes that finding these empty shells proves that President Chickenheart wasn't lying and the war was justified after all--even when Chickenheart and his minions have given up on that argument. But if the shells were found and actually indicated some danger, would this be a good time to announce that General Casey has suggested that there are going to be troop reductions by the end of 2007?
Special note to Mommy's Best Boy in the White House: The Democrats proposed two troop reduction plans in the Senate last week. I realize that you wouldn't realize this, being a Yale frat legacy puke, but for Casey to post-date one of their plans and turn it in as his own is plagiarism. And for your minions in the Senate to oppose what you now seem to accept is just partisan bullshit.


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