Friday, June 09, 2006

Ann Coulter

I can't believe the unmitigated gall of that vile bitch, Ann Coulter. What kind of insensitivity does it take for her to suggest that the widows of the 9/11 attacks are somehow trying to benefit from their loss? I couldn't believe the bile that I heard from her during her Today show interview yesterday. Never in my life have I heard someone so filled with unjustified and unjustifiable rage.
Don't get me wrong. Freedom of speech is cool, and as much as I'd like to kick her up side of the head repeatedly, I don't deny that she's got the right to say any stupid thing she wants. On the other hand, the right to be published in print, on TV, or on radio is not guaranteed. What's demoralizing is that she can find publishers and broadcasters who will help her spread her rantings around--and don't kid yourself: They want her to bring in a huge audience and lots of book buyers so they can make a profit. Here's a message for those who sign contracts with her: You don't have to do it. You can support freedom of speech with people who actually know what their talking about and have some human characteristics. Charles Krauthammer comes to mind, as does George F. Will. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that anyone is required to spread incivility.
But at the risk of being thought uncivil, I will point out here that Ann Coulter is ugly, stupid, and mean-spirited. She is humorless and ill-informed. Other than that, she's a fine person, I'm sure.


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