Friday, September 15, 2006

He Just Doesn't Get It

Today, Bushie held a news conference. He had nothing to say, really; he just wants to dominate news cycles for the next eight weeks. But perhaps his strategy--or Turd Blossom's, really--might backfire. For one thing, he is no longer capable of any restraint at all in front of a live audience. He has to rant and he is increasingly shrill and obnoxious. He's particularly bad with the press, even though they've been pretty kind to him. Even worse, he reveals that he just doesn't understand how the world works.
His majesty, the Archduke of Puke, warned Congress that if they didn't act, the government wouldn't be able to conduct its programs of torture and warrentless wiretaps. Duh? That's the whole point, George, you fucking moron. If Congress really wanted your immoral programs to go forward, they would have immediately given you approval to keep going with them. Unfortunately for you, there are some Republicans who have some scruples, and they've got a credibility that you don't have. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the most junior of the three, is an Air Force Reserve judge--a guy who knows military juriprudence. John McCain was a prisoner of war who was tortured in captivity in Viet Nam. John Warner is longtime chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a former Secretary of the Navy. These are guys who understand the realities of military service and war in ways that no deserter ever can, and they say that Bushie's bill sucks.
So one more time, Bushie, you stupid steaming puddle of sickly excrement: The credibility of any prosecution derives from the fact that it's conducted in a tight legal framework that affords the accused--who is not yet convicted--has every opportunity to demonstrate innocence. Your stupid legislation would deny human beings rights that our forefathers believed came from God--not from you, no matter how powerful you think your fucking no good criminal family is. And torture is not simply immoral and un-American. Lindsey Graham is absolutely right when he says that a bill like the one you want would simply encourage anyone who captured American servicemembers to torture them. And you don't get valuable information from torture. First, in a military situation, the half-life of intelligence is measured in hours. THAT MEANS THAT THE PEOPLE YOU ARE NOW HOLDING ILLEGALLY IN GUANTANAMO AND YOUR SECRET PRISONS HAVE NO INTELLIGENCE VALUE AT ALL, YOU ASSHOLE. And if you subject people to torture, they will either tell you absolutely nothing ("IF they're doing this to me now when I'm telling them nothing, what will they do to me if I lie?") or they'll tell you exactly what you want to hear ("Make it stop! Make it stop!"). And this has no value whatsoever. It may make you and your buddies "Dick" and "Rummy" feel like you're actually capable of erections, but it damn sure will not contribute to national security, and it will only be a further embarrassment to my country.
I sure hope Poppy and Bar are proud of you, Bushie. Anyone with a moral compass hates your guts. Impeachment will not be enough; you deserve to be impeached and then tried for treason and then turned over to the World Court to be tried as a war criminal.


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